Hear the truth from Ben Pryor himself

Ben was my fiancé and we were going to get married. I divorced my husband at a cost of £30k so I could be with him. Of which Ben contributed ZERO! Even though I have repeatedly asked him to help with this, he has ignored it and just told me he needs some time to get over his depression (due to me dumping him!) before he can talk to me properly.


Well enough is enough and it's been months now and it's clear this is just another fob off! So I have built this website to tell people so they can avoid him at all costs.


Things were not as they seemed and after massive investigations I confronted Ben Pryor about cheating on me multiple times and just listen to the reaction or lack of it! Listen to the sound clip below with Ben Pryor and his lack of emotions. It really is disgusting. This is not the attitude of someone in love!


Ben doesn't know how to love and he doesn't feel anything inside and just cares about himself and what he wants. He will never put you first ever! From research he has done this REPEATEDLY to numerous girls so this site is to warn those about him.


It's not just cheating on women though, it doesn't matter if you're male or female, he will scam and con financially anyway he can, by asking for loans, scamming at work, sleeping with girls just to make sales, scamming his friends by adding on travel tax to cigarettes bought abroad which was non-existent, the list is endless!

Some of the lies Ben Pryor has told

*Lied about meeting women/men for work when really escorting
*Lied about chlamydia test results
*Lied about always using protection as had chlamydia (in the past, not current)
*Lied about being fired from his previous job
*Lied about being on Tinder, FabGuys, Grindr, FabSwingers, Badoo, Kik and Snapchat
*Lied about meeting other girls/guys for sex
*Lied about being ill or depressed multiple times to avoid discussions - "Heads all over the place" is a favourite saying!
*Lied about his whereabouts and what he's up to all the time
*Lied about how many people slept with
*Lied about how many children he has
*Lied about how much money he was earning
*Lied about understanding and changing his ways
*Lies about treating you like a princess and showing you - as he never will!

How Ben Pryor acts in a relationship

This is just some of the things!


*Cheats on them multiple times
*Lies to them countless times
*Not being able to discuss emotions
*Ignore attempts at communication to makes things better
*Doesn't listen to what his partner wants
*Repeatedly does thoughtless things after being told multiple times not to
*Stonewalls his partner
*Be all talk and no action
*Never creates any fun
*Not realise that when they’re not on drugs they’re a completely different person
*Not dedicate enought time for partner and always doing the least as possible he can
*Scam your partner into thinking you’re sexually active when without drugs you not anything like how you were
*Just turn up and sleep in when you see your partner
*Caring more about job than partner
*Being materialistic and thinking that is all life is about
*Ignore partner on holiday at nights leaving them by themselves repeatedly
*Never do cute, sweet or loving things
*Never go out of your way for his partner
*Never put his partner first, ever.
*Not realising just how much stress his partner is under
*Not making his partner feel amazing ever
*Only thinking about himself and no one else
*Not helping himself to ever progress and be a better person
*Having no conscience
*Having no fight
*No passion
*No drive
*Not knowing how to properly love

Ben Pryor's Real Personality

When he's not being a nice fake con man who's charming and manipulating, Ben Pryor, deep down is:


*Little effort
*Doesn’t listen and says what you want to hear
*Doesn’t think about others and their feelings
*Says sorry and doesn’t change
*Fake life
*Compulsive liar
*Bad short texting and never goes into things
*Not amazingly interesting unless on coke
*Not super smart
*Not cute or sweet much
*Not very outwardly loving
*Emotionally flatlined
*No empathy
*Avoids conflict
*Weak willed
*Rarely funny
*Too much anger inside
* Has no energy without coke

Ben Pryor has Antisocial Personality Disorder

Even after being told about the below and that he needs therapy he does nothing about any of this and only hides away, running from the truth and any confrontation. Antisocial personality disorder signs and symptoms may include:


*Disregard for right and wrong
*Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others
*Being callous, cynical and disrespectful of others
*Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure
*Arrogance, a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated
*Recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior - see his arrest and criminal activity
*Repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty
*Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead
*Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, aggression or violence
*Lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others
*Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self or others
*Poor or abusive relationships
*Failure to consider the negative consequences of behavior or learn from them
*Being consistently irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations

How to watch out for it - look for his total lack of conscience and repeated pity play (ie victim mode always!) and absolute stonewalling when confronted with all the facts. He turned my life upside down for no good reason and left me with massive legal fees! And I don't want this happening to anyone else.
